In the present day economic situation, everybody would welcome to have some sort of additional income other than their monthly earnings. Earning a few extra bucks by leasing a small area of your property is something many are doing. You could too. For cell phone tower leases, there are a few factors that have to be considered
Conditions to be met:
There are a few rules that have to be followed before you can be eligible to offer your building or terrace. Check the following points:
1.Distance from the nearest tower: There should not be a cell tower of the same company till a distance of one mile. The cell phone companies will give priority to already existing ones. So do a survey in the 1 mile area and then apply for the cell phone towers lease.
Conditions to be met:
There are a few rules that have to be followed before you can be eligible to offer your building or terrace. Check the following points:
1.Distance from the nearest tower: There should not be a cell tower of the same company till a distance of one mile. The cell phone companies will give priority to already existing ones. So do a survey in the 1 mile area and then apply for the cell phone towers lease.
2.Higher rooftops: The cell phone companies spend a lot of time and money to study and design systems that work with radio frequency standards. So they have their own preferences for locations that have a good high rooftop. If there are buildings taller than yours the companies would prefer to those buildings
3.Zoning policies: If your house is located near by to an industrial area surrounded by residential houses, there are more likely chances of your getting the lease contract. Close by houses mean more number of business compared to sparsely populated areas.
3.Zoning policies: If your house is located near by to an industrial area surrounded by residential houses, there are more likely chances of your getting the lease contract. Close by houses mean more number of business compared to sparsely populated areas.
There are a few steps that you could take to reconfirm that you stand a very good chance of getting the lease Double check with the officials of the zoning committee about the possibilities. You could directly approach all the wireless carriers in your area and find out if they would be interested to use your property. They would send their technical staff to assess your property. You could surely do with some additional cash.